the captain's daughtertreasurewandering wellnesshOOp LOOTjellyfish@play

events & marketspirate policiesmore gypsy dreamin'

a wandering

the captains daughter hopes to bring
happiness, health, hoops, & handmade treasures  
to the hearts of her fellow sea gypsies in each of her offerings.

through dreams turned to art, actions with purpose, 
conscious presence, and  meditative movement
she hopes to guide and inspire you to journey 
to your own personal depths and

believe in the good things coming~

Pops is a Pirate

sneaking up from beneath the dirt to catch a glimpse of how the world does sparkle. how lovely it all must be below the flowers, between the earth and the sky....

sail away to dreams, they are waiting there beyond that bend. 
take all that you love with you, this adventure may not end. 
might each day fill your heart with smiles and leave you feeling whole. 
and with each morning, a restless wake to feed your gypsy soul.


one of a kiNd hanDmaDE tReASuRes 
by the cAptaINs daughter 

~on Etsy

from the green springs new life. to play and pick flowers and dance with the daisies
 is to be happy.

a gypsy can 
dream of a luvr, 
a handsome adventurous kind. a boy that can handle the waves, and promise to always be mine.

the waves 
called out to her 
and the sandy shores drew her in. 
never was there a chance against the sea shells glistening below the ocean waves. the sea swallowed her soul. she swims happy
 with it now~

about the treetops she will wander, for only love do gypsies fall. every daydream is a treasure, from lounging branches above the clouds...

~ExPLoRe more stories of the captains daughter and her adventures~ 